Hanna Harvey
Has been part of Harties Methodist since about 2017. She has developed the church library, currently situated in the church office. In her own words “I love sharing Sunday services with people that have become so special to me. I love that I can serve God’s people by being a society steward. I feel the Lord’s plan for me is to serve his people.”
Mike Durrant
I have been serving this congregation since January 2015. I am passionate about helping people to experience God in worship and through my ministry. Even though I am referred to as “the resident minister”, I believe implicitly that every person in the church is a minister in some way, has a call on their lives and needs to explore that call. I am a spiritual retreat director; a registered counsellor with Family Life Center to offer marriage preparation using the programme Prepare, Enrich. And, believe it or not, I am a trained Laughter Facilitator, registered with Laughter South Africa.